KCAS (Kentucky Core Academic Standards)The Math and English Language Arts Common Core State Standards (CCSS) were adopted as part of Kentucky Core Academic Standards (KCAS) in 2010.
KCAS Document (pdf)Includes all content areas CCSS (Common Core State Standards)For more information about the Common Core State Standards (CCSS) Initiative, visit the link below. Kentucky adopted the Math and ELA CCSS as part of KCAS in 2010.
http://www.corestandards.org/ Progressions for the Common Core State Standards in MathematicsA Project by the Common Core Standards Writing Team: The Common Core State Standards in mathematics were built on progressions: narrative documents describing the progression of a topic across a number of grade levels, informed both by research on children's cognitive development and by the logical structure of mathematics. These documents were spliced together and then sliced into grade level standards. From that point on the work focused on refining and revising the grade level standards. The early drafts of the progressions documents no longer correspond to the current state of the standards. Progressions Documents Bill McCallum's Blog - ProgressionsBill McCallum's blog showcases the progressions of Domains within grade bands. Tools for the Common Core |
Common Misconceptions about CCSSMyths and Facts about CCSS, by ASCDCLICK HERE to see the October 2013 issue of ASCD's Policy Points to find Myths and Facts about CCSS.
ASCD, Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development A Lesson on the Common CoreClick HERE for an overview presentation and article on the Common Core State Standards. I found this overview clear and concise.
http://www.impatientoptimists.org/Posts/2014/03/A-Lesson-on-the-Common-Core Standards for Mathematical PracticeWHAT ARE THEY?
Visit this SMP Resource Page! The Standards for Mathematical Practice (SMPs) are:
KCAS / CCSS Placemats, MathFor a one-page resource, print these placemats on 11 x 17 paper. Each page includes a grade level's standards as well as the critical areas and a listing of the 8 Standards for
Mathematical Practice. A Closer Look at the Progressions, KDEThis document
provides teachers and administrators grade band progressions of the standards, overviews of each grade level with expectations and standards by domain and clusters for each grade level K - 8. The Common Core State Standards (CCSS) videos are designed to support states, schools, and teachers in the implementation of the CCSS. The videos were created in collaboration with the states in the Southeast Comprehensive Center region based on their needs for professional development support for the implementation of the Common Core State Standards. Each video is an audiovisual resource that focuses on one or more specific standards and usually includes examples/illustrations geared to enhancing understanding. The intent of each content-focused video is to clarify the meaning of the individual standard rather than to be a guide on how to teach each standard, although the examples can be adapted for instructional use.
Visit the website at Southeast at SEDL. Click HERE. |